Call for Papers


Call for Papers

Dear  Scientists,

We are pleased to invite authors to  the 2nd International Congress on Environment, Energy and Economics (INTECONGRESS) organized by Giresun University, Faculty of Economics and Public Administration  which will be held on October 24-26, 2023 in Giresun, Turkey (partially online).

The congress aims to provide a forum to social scientists from all over the World to present their theoretical and empirical research and discuss current issues related to environment, energy and economics.

We welcome  300-500-words abstract submissions in English or Turkish by September 10th, 2023 to . For more information, please visit

Important Dates:

Abstract Submission Deadline: October 10th, 2023
Acceptance Notification: October 16th, 2023
Conference Program Announcement: October 21st, 2023
Full Paper Submission: November 20th, 2023
Payment and Registration Deadline: October 18th, 2023
Abstract Book Publication Date: December 28th, 2023
Proceedings E-book Publication Date: December 28th, 2023



Prof. Dr. Durmuş Çağrı YILDIRIM     Tekirdağ Namık Kemal Üniversitesi İİBF İktisat Bölümü
Prof. Dr. Ömer ESEN                          Tekirdağ Namık Kemal Üniversitesi İİBF Maliye Bölümü
Prof. Dr. Eric J. STRAUSS                    Michigan State University
Prof. Dr. Mioara CLIUS                       University of Bucharest
Prof. Dr. Ionut PURICA                       University of Bucharest
Prof. Dr. Antigoni ZAFIRAKOU            Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Prof. Dr. Ronan Mc DERMOTT           University of Groningen
Doç. Dr. Kasım KORKMAZ                  Eastern Michigan University

  • Energy and Environment
  • Sustainability
  • Sustainable Environment Policies
  • Light Pollution
  • Green Management
  • EU Green Deal
  • EU Green Deal and Turkey
  • Green Energy
  • Renewable Energy Sources
  • Renewable Energy Policies
  • Environmental Management
  • Financing of Energy Investments
  • Waste Management
  • Digitalization of  the Energy Sector
  • Nuclear Energy
  • Oil and Natural Gas Market
  • climate change and global warming
  • Ecology and Ecosystem management
  • Environmental Law
  • Environmental Problems
  • Environmental Impact Evaluation
  • Other topics related to Environment
  • Other topics related to Energy
  • Other topics related to Economics
* There will be a session themed on engineering. 

Publication Opportunities:
All abstracts accepted by the Scientific Committee will be included in the Abstract book of the congress. All submitted full papers will be published in the proceedings E-book with an associated ISBN. Selected papers, after successful  peer review, will be published in special issue of TR Dizin-indexed JOEEP:Journal of Emerging Economies and Policy ( and GÜİİBD - Giresun Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi ( ), Journal of Recycling Economy & Sustainability Policy, and Asya Studies.
Papers submitted to journals will be subject to the peer-review process. Special issues of the journals  will be considered based on the number of submitted papers. If there is insufficient number of papers for a special issue, the papers will be considered for publication in the regular issues of the journals. For publication in the special issues, papers must be submitted to the journals before November 20, 2023.

* Selected proceedings in the field of engineering could be published in 
? Giresun University The Black Sea Journal of Sciences.

Submission Guidelines for Authors
Summary and keywords are required to avoid problems in adding indexes. For this reason, the submitted articles must include a summary of maximum of five hundred (500) words in Turkish - English and a minimum of three (3) and five (5) keywords. In addition, the English title of the article should be added below the Turkish title.
1.Only the first letters of words in all titles in the article should be capitalized.
2.Page structure should be 17x24 and the entire study should not exceed 20 pages.
3.The main title of the study should consist of uppercase and bold letters, only the first letters of subtitles should be uppercase and all bold letters. The author (s) should specify the name and surname on the right and must give their institution, ORCID  ID and e-mail addresses.
4.The article should be submitted in full text as a word file. Accepted formats: doc, docx, jpeg, tiff, gif.
5.The layout of the article should be as follows:
6.Times New Roman fonts should be used in the article. However, if special fonts were used during writing as a requirement of some fields, these fonts should be sent with the article.
7. Articles that do not comply with the spelling rules will not be evaluated.

Citing the Article

The magazine uses the APA system for referencing. For this reason, the articles to be sent must comply with the following citation system:

In the text: (Goldgar, 2007: 13)

Writing the work in the bibliography should be as follows:

Goldgar, A. (2007), Tulipmania: Money, Honor, and Knowledge in the Dutch Golden Age, Chicago: University of Chicago Pres.

In articles:

In the text: (Hamilton, 1987: 153)

Writing the article in the bibliography should be as follows:

Hamilton, J. (1987), “Monetary Factors in the Great Depression”, Journal of Monetary Economics, 19 (2), 145-169.

Thesis in:

In the text: (Arıoğlu, 2007: 7)

Writing the thesis in the bibliography should be as follows:

Arıoğlu, E. (2007), Examining the Relationship Between Firm Size and Stock Returns by Different Methods: An Applied Analysis at the Istanbul Stock Exchange, Unpublished Master Thesis.
Tables and Figures

1. Table and figure description,

Table 1. …………………

It should be written in 10 font size and centered.

2. In-table texts should be 10 points, line spacing single, paragraph spacing 0 pt.

3. The table should be centered on the page.
Text Size Footnote and Table Size Paragraph Spacing Paragraph Indent Top Margin Bottom Margin Right Margin Left Margin Line gap
12 10 6 nk 1.25 cm 3 cm 3 cm 2.5 cm 3.5 cm


Payment and Registration

The participation fee of the congress is 350TL. This amount must be paid for each paper presented in the congress, regardless of the number of authors or participation without presentation.

Payment Account Information:

Account Name: Giresun University Strategy Development Department

Name of the Bank: Ziraat Bank-Giresun

IBAN : TR94 0001 000123 46580579 5002

"Participation Fee of the 2nd International Congress on Environment, Economy and Energy" should be included as an explanation while paying the fee.